Riad Maadi Tower - Maadi Corniche, Maadi District, 11432
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Certification Body of Management Systems CTCNI - Expert
Accredited Date
28 Feb 2024
29 str 1 Bolshaya Ordynka, Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Phone No.
+7 495 646-73-20
+7 495 646-73-20
PO box / Zip Code
Mr.Bulatova Tatyana
Chief Expert
Phone No.
+7 495 646-73-20
Mobile No.
+7 925 785-89-64
Major Discipline
Management System Certification Bodies
- 2Quality Management Systems (QMS-ISO 9001)
- 31- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- 32- Mining and quarrying
- 33- Food products, beverages and tobacco
- 34- Textiles and textile products
- 35- Leather and leather products
- 36- Wood and wood products
- 37- Pulp, paper and paper products
- 38- Publishing companies
- 39- Printing companies
- 310- Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum Products
- 311- Nuclear fuel
- 312- Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
- 313- Pharmaceuticals
- 314- Rubber and plastic products
- 315- Non-metallic mineral products
- 316- Concrete, cement, lime, plaster,…., etc
- 317- Basic metals and fabricated metal products
- 318- Machinery and equipment
- 319- Electrical and optical equipment
- 320- Shipbuilding
- 321- Aerospace
- 322- Other transport equipment
- 323- Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
- 324- Recycling
- 325- Electricity supply
- 326- Gas supply
- 327- Water supply
- 328- Construction
- 329- Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
- 330- Hotels and restaurants
- 331- Transport, storage and communication
- 332- Financial intermediation; real estate; renting
- 333- Information technology
- 334- Engineering services
- 335- Other services
- 336- Public administration
- 337- Education
- 338- Health and social work
- 339- Other social services
- 2Environmental Management Systems (EMS ISO 14001)
- 31- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- 32- Mining and quarrying
- 33- Food products, beverages and tobacco
- 34- Textiles and textile products
- 35- Leather and leather products
- 36- Wood and wood products
- 37- Pulp, paper and paper products
- 38- Publishing companies
- 39- Printing companies
- 310- Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum Products
- 311- Nuclear fuel
- 312- Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
- 313- Pharmaceuticals
- 314- Rubber and plastic products
- 315- Non-metallic mineral products
- 316- Concrete, cement, lime, plaster,…., etc
- 317- Basic metals and fabricated metal products
- 318- Machinery and equipment
- 319- Electrical and optical equipment
- 320- Shipbuilding
- 321- Aerospace
- 322- Other transport equipment
- 323- Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
- 324- Recycling
- 325- Electricity supply
- 326- Gas supply
- 327- Water supply
- 328- Construction
- 329- Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
- 330- Hotels and restaurants
- 331- Transport, storage and communication
- 332- Financial intermediation; real estate; renting
- 333- Information technology
- 334- Engineering services
- 335- Other services
- 336- Public administration
- 337- Education
- 338- Health and social work
- 339- Other social services
- 2Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems (OHSMS-ISO 45001)
- 31- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- 32- Mining and quarrying
- 33- Food products, beverages and tobacco
- 34- Textiles and textile products
- 35- Leather and leather products
- 36- Wood and wood products
- 37- Pulp, paper and paper products
- 38- Publishing companies
- 39- Printing companies
- 310- Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum Products
- 311- Nuclear fuel
- 312- Chemicals, chemical products and fibres
- 313- Pharmaceuticals
- 314- Rubber and plastic products
- 315- Non-metallic mineral products
- 316- Concrete, cement, lime, plaster,…., etc
- 317- Basic metals and fabricated metal products
- 318- Machinery and equipment
- 319- Electrical and optical equipment
- 320- Shipbuilding
- 321- Aerospace
- 322- Other transport equipment
- 323- Manufacturing not elsewhere classified
- 324- Recycling
- 325- Electricity supply
- 326- Gas supply
- 327- Water supply
- 328- Construction
- 329- Wholesale and retail trade; Repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods
- 330- Hotels and restaurants
- 331- Transport, storage and communication
- 332- Financial intermediation; real estate; renting
- 333- Information technology
- 334- Engineering services
- 335- Other services
- 336- Public administration
- 337- Education
- 338- Health and social work
- 339- Other social services
- 2Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS – ISO 22000)
- 3Farming
- 4A- Farming of animals
- 5A1- Farming of Animals for Meat/ Milk/ Eggs/Honey
- 5A2- Farming of Fish and Seafood
- 4B- Farming of Plants
- 5B1- Farming of Plants (other than grains and pulses)
- 5B2- Farming of Grains and Pulses
- 3Food and feed processing
- 4C- Food manufacturing
- 5C1- Processing of perishable animal products
- 5C2- Processing of perishable plant products
- 5C3- Processing of perishable animal and plant products(mixed products)
- 5C4- Processing of ambient stable products
- 4D- Animal Feed production
- 5D1- Production of Feed
- 5D2- Production of Pet Food
- 3Catering
- 4E- Catering
- 3Retail, transport and storage
- 4F- Distribution
- 5F1- Retail / Wholesale
- 5F2- Food Broking / Trading
- 4G- Provision of transport and storage services
- 5G1- Provision of Transport and Storage Services for Perishable Food and Feed
- 5G2- Provision of Transport and Storage Services for Ambient Stable Food and Feed
- 3Auxiliary services
- 4H- Services
- 4I- Production of food packaging and packaging material
- 4J- Equipment manufacturing
- 3Biochemical
- 4K- Production (Bio) chemical
- 2Food Safety Systems Certification (FSSC22000) Applied Categories FSSC 22000 Part 1 scheme overview
- 3Farming
- 4A- Farming of animals
- 5A1- Farming of Animals for Meat/ Milk/ Eggs/Honey
- 5A2- Farming of Fish and Seafood
- 4B- Farming of Plants
- 5B1- Farming of Plants (other than grains and pulses)
- 5B2- Farming of Grains and Pulses
- 3Food and feed processing
- 4C- Food manufacturing
- 5C1- Processing of perishable animal products
- 5C2- Processing of perishable plant products
- 5C3- Processing of perishable animal and plant products(mixed products)
- 5C4- Processing of ambient stable products
- 4D- Animal Feed production
- 5D1- Production of Feed
- 5D2- Production of Pet Food
- 3Catering
- 4E- Catering
- 3Retail, transport and storage
- 4F- Distribution
- 5F1- Retail / Wholesale
- 5F2- Food Broking / Trading
- 4G- Provision of transport and storage services
- 5G1- Provision of Transport and Storage Services for Perishable Food and Feed
- 5G2- Provision of Transport and Storage Services for Ambient Stable Food and Feed
- 3Auxiliary services
- 4H- Services
- 4I- Production of food packaging and packaging material
- 4J- Equipment manufacturing
- 3Biochemical
- 4K- Production (Bio) chemical
- 2Medical Device Quality Management Systems MDQMS - ISO 13485
- 3Non-active Medical Devices
- 4General non-active, non- implantable medical devices
- 4Non-active implants
- 4Devices for wound care
- 4Non-active dental devices and accessories
- 4Non-active medical devices other than specified above
- 3Active Medical Devices (Non-Implantable)
- 4General active medical devices
- 4Devices for imaging
- 4Monitoring devices
- 4Devices for radiation therapy and thermo therapy
- 4Active (non-implantable) medical devices other than specified above
- 3Active Implantable Medical Devices
- 4General active implantable medical devices
- 4Implantable medical devices other than specified above
- 3In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices(IVD)
- 4Reagents and reagent products, calibrators and control materialsfor: Clinical Chemistry Immunochemistry (Immunology) Haematology / Haemostasis / Immunohematology Microbiology Infectious Immunology Histology/Cytology Genetic Testing
- 4In Vitro Diagnostic Instruments and software
- 4IVD medical devices other than specified above
- 3Sterilization Method for Medical Devices
- 4Ethylene oxide gas sterilization(EOG)
- 4Moist heat
- 4Aseptic processing
- 4Radiation sterilization (e.g. gamma, x-ray, electron beam)
- 4Sterilization method other than specified above
- 3Devices incorporatin g/u tilizing specific substances/technologies
- 4Medical devicesincorporating medicinal substances
- 4Medical devices utilizing tissues of animal origin
- 4Medical devices incorporating derivates of human blood
- 4Medical devices utilizing micromechanics
- 4Medical devices utilizing nanomaterials
- 4Medical devices utilizing biological active coatings and/or materials or being wholly or mainly absorbed
- 4Medical devices incorporating or utilizing specific substances/technologies/elements, other than specified above
- 2Energy Management Systems Certification EnMS - ISO 50001
- 3Industry – light to medium Manufacturing facilities
- 3Industry – heavy
- 3Buildings
- 3Buildings - complex
- 3Transport
- 3Mining
- 3Agriculture
- 3Energy supply
- 2Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) ISO 27001
- 2Information Technology MS ( ITMS) ISO 20000-1
- 2Business continuity MS (BCMS) ISO 22301
- 2Educational organizations – Management Systems ISO 21001
- 2Supply chain security Management Systems according to ISO 28001
- 2Asset Management System (AMS ISO 55001:2014)
- 2Road Traffic Safety Management System (RTSMS ISO 39001:2012)
- 2Anti-Bribery Management System (Anti-Bribery MS ISO 37001:2016)
- 2Facility Management Systems (FMS ISO 41001:2018)
- 2Compliance Management System (CMS ISO 37301:2021)
- 2Collaborative business relationship management systems (CBRMS ISO 44001:2017)
- 2Information technology — Artificial intelligence Management system (AIMS 42001:2023)

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